I there is a god, maybe he created the Internet to provide Jehovah's Witnesses access to free porn and apostate websites in the comfort and privacy of their own homes.
If all the Internet offered was educational and critical websites discussing the teachings and history of the Watchtower, probably no one would ever bother to search for them.
On the other hand, put free porn on the Internet and untold numbers of JWs (especially elders and Bethelites) would check them out. But after their needs have been met and they are physically exhausted, there are now ex-JW sites and educational sites like TED.com to visit. While their bodily functions recover they can actually be exposed to some of the truths and scandals that they would not see otherwise.
God works in mysterious ways. Maybe some of those elders who go hunting for members of their flocks on Facebook (and to a lesser extent, MySpace), may also note how many they thought were true believers are actually getting exposure to facts about the Watchtower. Maybe by doing that, they too will get some exposure and take the first steps to leaving.
On the other hand, I think that some see the local Kingdom Hall as their only resource for self-glory and control over others. They won't leave no matter what the Watchtower teaches. They probably don't care that it's all bull poopy, irrational, and unsupportable. As long as they actually can be bosses over a group of people they will continue to support the Borg and its worthless religion. The Internet will only be a tool for them to harass and torment their flocks.